4 Face Masks For Oily/Acne Prone Skin



As I’m sure I’ve talked about before, I’ve struggled with acne and oily skin since I was a kid. I was (and still kind of am) extremely self conscious about it. It has recently gotten worse the past few months, and I’m currently trying to find a skin care routine that works for me. Once I find one, I’ll be sure to share it with you.

I have started using 4 face masks that seem to help out a bit when I have flare ups. I tested out A LOT of masks until I finally found my favorite ones. I use a face mask 2-3 times a week, and which one I use depends on what is happening with my face. Here is a breakdown of them and when I tend to use each one:

1. Pacifica Super Green Detox Kale & Charcoal Facial Mask
I usually use this mask when I have a break out happening, especially large cysts.

This is a natural fiber sheet mask that you leave on your face for about 20 minutes, then remove it and rub the remaining ingredients into your face. No need to rinse, and that is my favorite thing about it!

The main ingredients include kale, charcoal, cilantro, and green tea. These active ingredients help clear up clogged pores and blemish prone skin. This is my favorite face mask out of the other ones. I can notice a HUGE difference in my acne after using it. My face isn’t as red, and my blemishes aren’t as swollen or inflamed.

2. L’Oreal Paris Pure Clay Mask – Purify & Mattify
I tend to use this mask when my face it between break outs, or when my face feels extra oily. Sometimes I’ll even just put this on my “T zone” and not my whole face.

This is a clay mask that contains 3 pure clays and eucalyptus. It helps remove impurities, dirt, makeup, and excess oils that are built up on your face that tend to clog pores.

My face always feels a whole lot cleaner after using it, and I can notice a difference in how much oil my face produces the next day.

3. Derma-E Purifying 2-in-1 Charcoal Mask
I use this mask when I feel a break out coming on, or my face is extremely dry from using acne medication (I’m currently using the original Proactiv system, and I’m about to try out the adapalene gel. I also currently use my own serum I created, which I will talk about in a future post!).

This is a mask and exfoliant in one that contains activated charcoal. It purges pores of deeply rooted toxins, then exfoliates away micro pollutants. I have been using this face mask the longest. As I mentioned before, I use a face mask 2-3 times a week, but I also exfoliate 1-2 times a week. I count this as a face mask AND exfoliant.

After using this mask, my face is soft, smooth, and the dry skin patches are gone. I also notice that my blemishes are smaller, and it prevents new ones from forming.

4. Formula.10.0.06 Be Berry Clear Illuminating Peel Mask
This face mask is the most fun for me. I use it when I feel a break out coming on.

After applying the mask generously on your face, let it set for about 20 minutes, then peel it off your face. It doesn’t get super hard (kinda gel like) and does not hurt while peeling off. It won’t pull out your hair, but can get kinda gummy in it, so make sure to avoid your eyebrows and hair line. I really enjoy the process of peeling it off, especially if I can get it to peel off in large pieces (I know, I’m a weirdo, haha!).

This mask contains raspberry and acai. It minimizes pores, calms flare-ups, and smooths skin.

If I had to pick just one face mask to use, it would definitely be the Pacifica sheet mask. I wish they came in large packs, but for now I just stock up on them when I head to Target. They are around $3.99 a piece, but totally worth it.

What are your favorite face masks? Let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!


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